Why has the c-section rate increased?

What to expect for the recovery of c-section According to the World Health Organization (WHO), C-section use continues to rise globally, now accounting for more than 1 in 5 (21%) of all childbirths. Many assume that the leading factors in this trend are: (1) more and more women are asking for C-sections, and (2) the […]

Flexible working for moms: a reality or a myth?

Working mothers

Are there notable flexible working opportunities for moms? From my personal experience, no matter how old your child is, it is indeed challenging to balance motherhood and work, especially work from home. Setting priorities according to my needs and what is more important for me to achieve at a time, helped me a lot. Do […]

Why your toddler has tantrums

Toddler tantrums

All parents experience challenging behavior from children at some time. In this post, you will find explanations for bad behavior, toddler tantrums and the best advice on what to do to handle it. What’s causing the behavior? When your child is being awful, remember he is a little person with highly complex emotional reactions and […]

How important is nutrition in pregnancy?

Nutrition is very important during pregnancy for the optimal support of the fetus and the mother’s health. Research has shown that inadequate consumption of vitamins and minerals in pregnancy, as well as high consumption of foods or beverages with refined sugar, increase the incidence of low-birth-weight infants. You do not need to go on a […]